Sunday, July 19, 2009


Mama Mia was the worst musical ever, and the dumbest movie I've ever seen.

Just bullshit.

Super Mario Galaxy also was the worst final boss ever. Just do the same thing over and over! SPIN AND WIN TIME! THen the star becomes an hero and devides by zero.

What Mario said at the very end made me cry.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Super Amber

Saw how the new pkmn trainer looked like Super Mario as a little girl, so thought abotu drawing Amber like that, then made Jake Luigi, 'Robot' Toad, New flower girl is now Daisy cuz I liked the design, 'Mamma roo' Yoshi, and now I can't stop drawing Amber's hips of fury in the skimpy overalls. Well, they could be skimpier, but whatever.

My favorite is the Starman one, I'm gonna ink that if I get a computer, cuz I'm too scared to ruin it.

My only problem is why everyone would be like this in the story.


I've been working on characters for a comic, and well, I'm kinda uh...



I wish I had a computer, and a damn house.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Nana took Papa's damn blood pressure pill and had to take her to the ER

She's okay now.

Gonna go play rock band 2 with my little bro and his pals for the giant's birthday.

Then gonna go drive my grandparents to Loseranna so they can try to win a million dollars playing slots.

My balls itch.