Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Doo dee doo

BS 2000 rocks.

Working on Kyo's commissions, still trying to get a damn job.

No one really seems to want me to draw crap.

Why the hell is that damn def leppard song on here? Damn Slang. NO NEW CRAP. TAKIN' CARE OF BUSINESS NAU!!!

I need a new computer...

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Saxo-girl by *gamera1985 on deviantART

This is the weirdest thing I've ever seen.

I like the character idea though, someone who spontaneously transforms due to her being half human half transforer.

LOL your music stinks.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Have you ever felt so fucking alone?

Monday, June 15, 2009


Just got my new headphones in.

They kick ass.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Damn kangaroo shit

I dunno why, but I love this picture.

I need markers.

Friday, June 12, 2009


Been working on MIFaTL 2, got three episodes inked.

Got about five more sketched, but realized there's a weird jump and gonna have o try to fill in between.

I dunno how I like the cool tech suit anymore (sketch on right) I mean it kinda looks like some amazon space porn or something.

Ah well, Also...

New Vote image for MIFaTL 2 LOL

It's a reference pic I made for a panel, it looks good, too bad it's B/W

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Is it better to try for a life you don't want, or to wander around aimlessly?


Ah MIFaTL 2, my so-far life's greatest achievement. Not much, but I was always proud of it.

Started as a simple webcomic about my friends and shit, it quickly turned into some shitty adventure about bullshit LOL

Well, no one likes -sert comics, but hell it's MY comic.

I sorta hit a wall with MIFaTL 2, I had all the plans for the following seasons, but I wanted Season 3 to be just... not adventurous.

It would have introduced Pikahuna, the pulse shoes, and other equipment Mint would have invented for me to use (naturally I can just shock shit, I can't control my electricity well)

Though since my computer's dead, I can't really work on it.

Even if my computer was fine, I don't think I can work on it here, I do my work best when I don't have people whining to me to get a job, or to go to sleep, or to wake up early.

I know I got a pretty good thing going, as I don't have to sleep in my car or something.

I just can't do shit I don't want to do for no good reason whatsoever.

I'm just a gat dang artist.

Don't like it? Well, whatever.

I might work on the MIFaTL PkMn comic some, as I seem to draw a lot of pokemon lately, maybe if I just finish that damn mini-series, I might get pkmn out of my system.

I find it kinda funny how many furfag sites link to MIFaTL, I honestly never thought of it as a furry comic. Though apaprently now if it's not human, it's furry.

Belfry comics... weird.

Ah well.

MIFaTL 2 scored 16,390 views, though I don't know how many people out there really cared for the comic.

I guess I'll just play it by ear, though I'll never post MIFaTL 2 comics anywhere else but the MIFaTL 2 website. Also I'll never release a MIFaTL 2 comic in black and white.

Though I don't think I'd scan that shit if I have no computer to color it anyways y'know?

Looks like Amanda's drawing of MIFaTL girl will stay there 'til kingdom come.

Well, here's some art for you fags.

Awesome's being an asshole to my asshole.

I dunno, I thought it was funny.

D'AWW Was gonna draw the main trio of PkMn MD: Me, Awesome, and Amber, and it just turned into this.

Funny how you can like FAILURES.

DYNAMIC DUO well, we'll never find out how Mimmi and T.C. resolve whatever we were doing because I FORGOT WHAT WAS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN.

Spoiler alert: if MIFaTL ever came back I was going to just fucking abruptly end Season 3. Fuck that shit, I don't remember what the hell I was doing damnit.

Just Orion and SHARKEY. I miss drawing these two...

Trying to figure out how to draw Pynk and other enchilladas in my style.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


AJ & Copal are an unusual pokemon, they're non-conjoined siamese twins. They act as one body, though are actually two seperate bodies.

As child pkmn, it appears that AJ is like a happiny, though Copal makes the lower half of the body.

Why AJ has damn breasts is a mystery. (Id est, I won't spoil the surprise)

Most of their personalities and how exactly they function I'm still thinking upon.

Though Copal's more sweet and levelheaded and AJ is more tom-boyish and forward.


Amber & Copal's new designs.

So what?


Jump away foo.

Was gonna have a laser almost hit me.

Hey It's Big L! Wow.

I sure am boring.

Damnit the scanner cut some off, oh well, who cares?!

Damn Pocket Monster shit

Damn TV sucks.

Are you going?

So you think?

Damn titties.

So what if you are crazy?

I seem to only be able to draw the damn pkmn shit what the hell.


You know.

I shouldn't worry about the future, the future's not even guaranteed.

I should just live right here, right now.

Like Sammy Hagar said.

I'm starting to get my drawing mojo back, I found a solution for two characters I made (PkMn) Amber & Copal, non-conjoined siamese twins, see, I liked their baby forms, it looked right, but when they evolved I had a hard time deciding how it would work, for a while I thought Copal just becoming Amber's ass is the only logical thing, but... THAT'S THE SADDEST THING EVER. I also thought maybe if Amber has really small legs, and Copal had small upperbody to where they need each other, but I didn't like that either. So it kinda hit me last night, I basicly made Copal able to become your pants basically. So AJ & Copal can merge together and basically kick your ass HARD. Though they can function seperately. SO YAY. Might scan and upload here pics once I've totally decided how I want them to look individually and together.

THOUGH I haven't really worked on the comic that introduces them at all. I haven't been real inspired to do anything serious for the longest time, at times I try drawing some of the characters in MIFaTL, but meh.

I'm kinda thinking of Giving Amber her own comic, as I kinda would like to make a new comic.

Though no ideas really.

I figure I oughta do something as like, I got two domain names.

Though, honestly my computer is fucking dead which means that I just can't work on the website at all.

I'm currently living with my grandparents until I can get a steady job that won't drive me insane. I roughly owe 12 grand to miscellaneous places so my credit report probably sucks which means it'll be damn hard to find a place or a job. Guess it's what I get for going to college and opening accounts in my name for my mom and little bro =/

I kinda wish that all this shit would resolve itself, but really I have nowhere to go.

if 12 million dollars just fell in my lap, I wouldn't know what to do with it really.

Well, besides pay my debt, and maybe get my car restored.

There's nowhere I want to live, there's nowhere I want to go, there's nothing in my life that really means anything.

Honestly I really feel that if I died right now, the only real concern is how to dispose of the body.

I've felt so sad for the last 12 years or so. I don't even know how long or what.


Though I figure pretty much everyone else is miserable, my only question is how the hell do they keep going on when there's nothing to go on for?

I also wonder why making money is so repulsive to me, I mean even when it's doign artwork commissions, I just don't want to do it.

Every job I've ever had I liked, but I just hated having a job.

I always think that finding that girl from the dream would set my life right, dunno why, just felt it. Though now I feel nothing, like I'm too late. Life really feels like a bad future. I mean David Lee Roth doing a bluesgrass "jump"?! WHAT THE HELL!!

Maybe if I just hold on a little longer thing's'll pick up.

That's really my only hope.

Sunday, June 7, 2009



Am I the only person who can't keep a job solely for the purpose of having money?


I bought these headphones on eBay for 40 bucks including shipping.

Should be here between 13th and 16th

My old ones keep acting funny.

Like the right side fades in and out when I walk.

I'm borke now.




I saw El Dorado last night.

at midnight on channel 2

or 7

depends if you have cable or not

and live in the Austin area.

I find it funny to see commercails for losers to call what they would think to be hot chicks during an animated movie.

I also find it funny how the older ones had kinda realistic hot and now they got professional hot.

So you know they're making fucking money.


I can't seem to draw anymore, or do anything.

Ever since I saw that girl at HEB it kinda broke my brain.

I have no idea why.

Why is it when I totally forget about her I see her?

Am I going insane? WHAT

Y'know it really feels like no one cares about me anymore. I guess it's because I'm a broke, uninspired, lazy, depressed, confused bastard.

I wonder why I get on the internet anymore, I mean honestly who misses me?
Nobody, that's who.

I used to want to do all sorts of things, but now I really don't care anymore.

It just feels like it's too late, all that's left is to die in failure.

Which is why I've been looking for something new to do, but everything's just... pointless.

Sometimes I just wish someone would hold me and tell me everything's gonna be alright.

Hmm I wanna watch Billy Madison.

At least I still have a sense of humor, it's just more like asshole humor now.

I still wonder why I feel compelled to talk to something.


Why do I post things on here? No one reads it.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Days go by

I really don't know what to do anymore.

Anything I think of just seems like a bad idea.

Maybe I am a spoiled brat who refuses to comply with the way of man, but I've been taught, raised, to beleive in God and follow my heart.

Everytime I get a job, I get extremely depressed and have a mental breakdown.

Maybe I'm so lazy that having responcibility just snaps my mind.

Cuz working never bothered me, just when you have to do it forever.

Never ending, like that greek dude who pushed the rock up a hill only to fall over.

John Wayne.


I think the only person in my family who isn't trying to push me over the edge is my little brother.

I was gonna buy a hat, but fuck that.

this pizza's overcooked...

I can't remember the last time I tried to draw... I think it was the last time I posted art here.

I hate my life so fucking much.

I have no idea what to do about it anymore, it just seems that everything I've done just wasn't worth it. Maybe it's because I have no friends IRL, maybe it's because I've spent the last half of my life trying to find some chick I met in a dream that turned out to be my oldest friend I haven't seen in a decade which would have made sense psychologically if I hadn't seen her physically and had no idea what she looked like so WHAT?!


I din'no why I keep writing on this blog, maybe I just need to talk to someone, even if they don't exist.

No one that exists really cares about me anyways.

Or maybe I just don't want to hear the answer because I don't like it.

Probably because the answer is that there's nothing wonderful about life, now either serve society or GTFO



I want to get away from here, but honestly where would I go?

I think I need to just give up on life, I've been holding on all these years, and I just don't think it's ever gonna get better; I don't think I'LL ever get better.

I've been looking for a sign from God, something to just hit me, to actually find something to do with my life, but all I get is constant whining for me to get a job. Well, I don't want to work, I just want to bang on my drum all day.

I think tomorrow when I get paid I'm just gonna drive off somewhere and don't look back.

There's nothing in this God-forsaken town.

Just surly relatives, and jerks.

I think I just want to be loved.

Or maybe something more selfish.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I think I owe various things about 12,000$

maybe more, might have forgotten what I owe.


I hate my life.

I don't want a job.

I don't want anything I have.