I find it funny how nostalgic I've been, all the art I've done lately was stuff I did long ago...
Except this.

This was an old pic my good friend Mimmiroo did, (who's probably the only one who may actually read any blog entry here)
I've also finished inking MIFaTL PkMn 2, also coloring flats, as since I have no internet, I can't simply just upload shit, so I might end up coloring it in its whole.
I'm also thinking of making something that'll either be MIFaTL 3 or some new series revolving around T.C., Big L, and his little bro seldom seen on the internet T.R. which will eventually be an animated series.
I'm also still making a big-ass pic of all my friends as Mario characters, so far I got all the inks done except for four people, the BG will be the toughest to do.
Mainly since I find it easy to draw in opencanvas, but it sucks up too much memory or some shit, so I have to use photoshop, maybe I should use SAI....
I'm in dire need of money, but I'm not sure how I'm gonna get a job since I'm out in the boondocks. Though Wally world was hiring and my mom and bro work there (albeit at different locations) so I dunno.
Welp, I've done all I can do online, so see ya later, nobody.