Monday, December 14, 2009


I think I'll just call the damn thing MIFaTL PkMn, I need to stop taking shit so seriously.

Sketch of characters in the damn comic that I should work on, but probably won't.

I should probably scan that cover and color it so I can at least have issue one out.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Aisle 10

Well I finally did the cover to the first issue of MIFaTL PkMn, still need a name for the series, and to design the ol' logo.

I've come to realize that the main reason I'm miserable is myself. People hate depressed, lazy, stubborn, carefree people. That and you can't win the game (id est society) by doing nothing, and if you choose not to play the game, all the gamers will lay you to waste.

People like to validate their wrong choices by saying they had no choice, when in reality that no matter what, you have a choice and as such everything is your fault.

Though really, everything is everyone's fault as we all influence each other in some way, we may not know what effect our life has on the world, but it certainly does.

Anyway, I'm still not sure what to do with my life. The only things that make me somewhat happy are drawing and rocking out, and those are starting to lose meaning. I can't simply kill myself as the selfish taking of one's life is probably a one-way ticket to hell, I'm squeamish, and quite simply I just know if I'd do that life would have potentially get better after I did. That and the fact that bad times end just as good times do and, the bad times are indeed what make the good times worth it.

For the past two years I've been really depressed and distraught over shattered images. Long story short (and it is a long and boring story) I fell in love with someone I never met or indeed seen and the hopes that came with such a foolhardy romantic endeavor left in tatters.

I've been shattered.

I think the few things about myself that will always be there is my sense of humor, love of music, and need to help people.

I dunno, I know that it was ridiculous to try to find someone you met in a series of dreams, but why do I always turn my head when I see blonde hair? Sometimes it's blond... LOL

I really think that the only way I can pull myself out of this funk is to either “fulfill my destiny” or to move on. Though the fact that I know life isn't gonna get any better is hindering me actually trying.

I'm not really sure why I'm writing this as anyone who reads it wouldn't give a shit as basically it's about some fat dude who can't move on in life having problems that most of the country has.

I'm actually not sure why I get on the internets anymore, as everytime I do the only thing I have to talk about is how I hate my life, my self, and song references. Most of my pals & gals don't want to talk to me anymore as I'm depressing. Either because they only find me entertaining when I'm a goof ball making comics about their characters naked surfing molten lava, or that they honestly can't help me and the constant downheartedness is absolutely frustrating and contagious and they kind of ignore me for their own well being, but for some reason don't block me.

Or maybe they just have a life.

I really don't know what to do anymore.

I try to move on, but it's like I can't. Like moving on is the [b]wrong[/b] thing to do.

I can't explain it too well.

Man, I really wish I didn't exist so I wouldn't have to give a fuck about nothing.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ever feel like everyone's sick of you?

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Big L, B.I.T.C. H, SHARKEY, & Orion


She's my third oldest character I've made, and the only one I've really used.

I've been trying to work on her design somewhat, and I've learned that when I draw humans or humanesque people on open canvas they turn out too damn tall, it's okay for SHARKEY, but not everyone else.

I have a real love-hate relationship with this character, as she's the image of something I've tried so hard to find, and for the past two years I've been wallowing in my own self-defeat in the shards of shattered images. Though I still like her, she's a fun character to draw and work on. So More likely than not, I'm gonna keep her, might even work on a comic around her.

There's still one character I've never properly introduced and I'm actually glad now that I haven't. B.I.T.C. H (Bionically Ingineered Transforming Chick Heather) I came up with the "Bitch" part first you may have guessed. It was meant to be a running gag or something like the scientists that created her or business jerks something kept calling her bitch and hurt her feelings until she killed 'em all.

I may simply call her Heather...

SHARKEY and Orion, well I like those characters too, but the fact is they're almost directly based on a normal swim|swim chao and Mew respectively, I'm not sure if I could get away with using their current designs. Though if they ever appear in a comic more likely than not it'll be the sci-fi one I've been working on a while. Well, it's just an idea, but I've been thinking about it a lot (largely while listening to Deep Purple and Boston LOL)

Though if you think about it, both of their designs based upon, are based upon aliens, gerbils, cats, fetuses, and such.

So aunno. I'll think about it, I'd hate to throw away those characters.

Though I think MIFaTL 2 is dead, I've just lost interest on it and the fact is that 96% of the characters that matter aren't of my design, sure I tweak them somewhat, but they're still my friends' characters (hence the name)

I really like the name "MIFaTL" though... I may make a comic unrelated to the first one using that name.

Not sure really.

Well, thanks for listening, nobody. You're a true friend.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sony Walkman get!

Welp I just received my Walkman from Amazims!

It's Noir! Which is something for "black"

Probably Swedish.

There's a pic of some guy and girl, looks like the guy's gonna rape her LOL

Came with these ear bud things I'll never use... ah fuck, it has some kinda tiny parallax port or something... This means I can't use my mini USB car charger... gonna have to get a new one, prolly get that pack of crap Sony was selling at not Sony cuz Sony's a rip-off direct buy.

LOL it came with a pamphlet to buy more crap! =D

cool, bluetooth transmitter...

Welp let's see how long I need to charge it...

Wow, it came with pictures of flowers and crap.

I like it. It's got external speakers that sound decent, not spectacular, but it's made for headphones. The picture is great for its size and it's got FM.

Now to try to fill the 16 GB up MUAH HA HAH HAAAH


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Get Re-Organized

Been trying to re-do older pics I thought looked like it'd deserve it.

Like this!


New sketch

Newer Sketch

I like how some of it looks, but it doesn't look that great...

I think I'll try drawing it from hand...

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Roll with the changes

Well I turned 25 on 25.

Ordered a sweeteriffic Sony Walkman off of Amazon.

Originally I wanted to get it from Wally world, but the price at the local wam*mart was 10$ more than their site, so naturally I thought site to store, but they said that I couldn't just pick up an item from there, I'd have to wait for mine.

Though Amazon had it for 5$ cheaper than Wal*Mart even with shipping (Wal*Mart's website includes Tax: Fags)

So Now I'm waiting for my order to arrive!

In other news: I'm in a bit of an art block. I've been wanting to work on MIFaTL PkMn, but I just can't seem to make myself draw!

I've also been thinking about working on my Magnum Opus more seriously, but I've learned two things. One: I don't know anything about Ireland, 2: I don't know anything about people.

So... I dunno.

In other news: I bought Pogieman Rumble.

It's pretty cool, sorta mindless, but that's its charm.

I got a shiny Golduck.

In moar news: I learned about the Masuda Method.

Basically go to the GTS: Get a Japanese Pikachu and breed it with your own and viola! A greater chance for a shiny pokemon and it can have egg moves!

This is a great solution for pokemon that can't be chained like Staryu.

I haven't actually started working on it since I just got a jap smeargle.

I also need a job, I just dunno how I find one man.

I'm also considering not working on MIFaTL 2, I've sorta lost interest in it and the story, well... it's not that great. I've also considered making a MIFaTL 3 staring Big L and an original cast largely because I like the name "MIFaTL" and I don't want to get rid of the domain name.

Dunno though, I guess if I can think of something I might do it, but dunno.

I'm also thinking of making an animation about space shit.

Not much planned except I want a chick with four boobs and the main hero will probably be a gay black guy, largely because who ever heard of the protagonist being a black fag LOL Though don't expect to see it soon, I want to actually take my time with that idea. I've been playing it through my head these fantastic battles choreographed to some music I listen to.

I also need to figure out how to pay all my bills, I owe around twelve grand.


I guess I'll have to figure shit out, for now I'm gonna help my grandma get some furniture or some shit.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The grey plague

You need to view this piece of art.

The Gray Plague by ~Tazi-san on deviantART
You can just feel the terror in this pic.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009


A note from ~Jane1

Everybody which are friends of this "wonderful" man - Felipe Marcantonio AKA Yuski, will see this note. I need your help!

This guy was supposed to begin work on commission for me. Month ago Yuski said: "I´ll do it. But I´ll send you a message when I start". Passed month and what he did with it? Nothing! He sent nothing and stopped answering my letters! I know how much he busy and have more important matters (promotion of XDragoon, school, girlfriend from fucking Sao Paulo, etc.), but if he said "I'll do it", let him stop lying me to damn thing! I'M NOT IDIOT!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Women do not their shower


Wanna hear me sing Foreplay/Long Time?!

Also I finished MIFaTL PkMn issue 2 lines last night.

In zipped forme.

Now to listen to some Social D.



Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Been working on MIFaTL PkMn, almost done with issue 2 inks.

Last ... wait uh well, oh yeah Last night Papa was running a 101.38 fever and had a mild delirium. Called 911 and it turns out he had MRSA, the ant bites he had for 3 weeks were filled with pus and they had to cut him... again (He went to have ti checked out the afternoon prior)

ANyway slept on the hospital floor and feel like hell LOL
The doctors think he'll recover which is good.

Me and my bro got lost in the parking lot after being accidently locked out of the cancer center looking to find the ER to move the car.


Hopefully things'll pick up.

Now for you, some arts!

Team Thunder: The T.C. and Amber!


Sunday, August 2, 2009

I've got a cold in my nose

THat stupid Betty boop cartoon's been on my mind and it's annoying.

I've had a damn summer cold all week after playing Rock Band at Thomas' and 5 songs from Painkiller the fuckacta guitar breaks.

Also Nana has neuralgia or something I think, neck pains, were scared it might be a clot.

Also been working on PkMn MD comic, it's coming along quite well I think.

I've been having strange dreams, though it's natural for when I'm sick, it still kinda bothers me.

I think I've been running from something I have to face even though it's something impossible.

Oh well.

I fucking love Crunch Pops.

Love 'em.

It's been a year since we lost the house, over a year I guess... I still have no idea what I'm doing. Though I know exactly what my mental block is, and there's nothing I can do about it... now anyways. THe future, no man can predict. Ain't that right you STOOPID METEROLOGISTS?!

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Mama Mia was the worst musical ever, and the dumbest movie I've ever seen.

Just bullshit.

Super Mario Galaxy also was the worst final boss ever. Just do the same thing over and over! SPIN AND WIN TIME! THen the star becomes an hero and devides by zero.

What Mario said at the very end made me cry.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Super Amber

Saw how the new pkmn trainer looked like Super Mario as a little girl, so thought abotu drawing Amber like that, then made Jake Luigi, 'Robot' Toad, New flower girl is now Daisy cuz I liked the design, 'Mamma roo' Yoshi, and now I can't stop drawing Amber's hips of fury in the skimpy overalls. Well, they could be skimpier, but whatever.

My favorite is the Starman one, I'm gonna ink that if I get a computer, cuz I'm too scared to ruin it.

My only problem is why everyone would be like this in the story.


I've been working on characters for a comic, and well, I'm kinda uh...



I wish I had a computer, and a damn house.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Nana took Papa's damn blood pressure pill and had to take her to the ER

She's okay now.

Gonna go play rock band 2 with my little bro and his pals for the giant's birthday.

Then gonna go drive my grandparents to Loseranna so they can try to win a million dollars playing slots.

My balls itch.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Doo dee doo

BS 2000 rocks.

Working on Kyo's commissions, still trying to get a damn job.

No one really seems to want me to draw crap.

Why the hell is that damn def leppard song on here? Damn Slang. NO NEW CRAP. TAKIN' CARE OF BUSINESS NAU!!!

I need a new computer...

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Saxo-girl by *gamera1985 on deviantART

This is the weirdest thing I've ever seen.

I like the character idea though, someone who spontaneously transforms due to her being half human half transforer.

LOL your music stinks.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Have you ever felt so fucking alone?

Monday, June 15, 2009


Just got my new headphones in.

They kick ass.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Damn kangaroo shit

I dunno why, but I love this picture.

I need markers.

Friday, June 12, 2009


Been working on MIFaTL 2, got three episodes inked.

Got about five more sketched, but realized there's a weird jump and gonna have o try to fill in between.

I dunno how I like the cool tech suit anymore (sketch on right) I mean it kinda looks like some amazon space porn or something.

Ah well, Also...

New Vote image for MIFaTL 2 LOL

It's a reference pic I made for a panel, it looks good, too bad it's B/W

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Is it better to try for a life you don't want, or to wander around aimlessly?


Ah MIFaTL 2, my so-far life's greatest achievement. Not much, but I was always proud of it.

Started as a simple webcomic about my friends and shit, it quickly turned into some shitty adventure about bullshit LOL

Well, no one likes -sert comics, but hell it's MY comic.

I sorta hit a wall with MIFaTL 2, I had all the plans for the following seasons, but I wanted Season 3 to be just... not adventurous.

It would have introduced Pikahuna, the pulse shoes, and other equipment Mint would have invented for me to use (naturally I can just shock shit, I can't control my electricity well)

Though since my computer's dead, I can't really work on it.

Even if my computer was fine, I don't think I can work on it here, I do my work best when I don't have people whining to me to get a job, or to go to sleep, or to wake up early.

I know I got a pretty good thing going, as I don't have to sleep in my car or something.

I just can't do shit I don't want to do for no good reason whatsoever.

I'm just a gat dang artist.

Don't like it? Well, whatever.

I might work on the MIFaTL PkMn comic some, as I seem to draw a lot of pokemon lately, maybe if I just finish that damn mini-series, I might get pkmn out of my system.

I find it kinda funny how many furfag sites link to MIFaTL, I honestly never thought of it as a furry comic. Though apaprently now if it's not human, it's furry.

Belfry comics... weird.

Ah well.

MIFaTL 2 scored 16,390 views, though I don't know how many people out there really cared for the comic.

I guess I'll just play it by ear, though I'll never post MIFaTL 2 comics anywhere else but the MIFaTL 2 website. Also I'll never release a MIFaTL 2 comic in black and white.

Though I don't think I'd scan that shit if I have no computer to color it anyways y'know?

Looks like Amanda's drawing of MIFaTL girl will stay there 'til kingdom come.

Well, here's some art for you fags.

Awesome's being an asshole to my asshole.

I dunno, I thought it was funny.

D'AWW Was gonna draw the main trio of PkMn MD: Me, Awesome, and Amber, and it just turned into this.

Funny how you can like FAILURES.

DYNAMIC DUO well, we'll never find out how Mimmi and T.C. resolve whatever we were doing because I FORGOT WHAT WAS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN.

Spoiler alert: if MIFaTL ever came back I was going to just fucking abruptly end Season 3. Fuck that shit, I don't remember what the hell I was doing damnit.

Just Orion and SHARKEY. I miss drawing these two...

Trying to figure out how to draw Pynk and other enchilladas in my style.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


AJ & Copal are an unusual pokemon, they're non-conjoined siamese twins. They act as one body, though are actually two seperate bodies.

As child pkmn, it appears that AJ is like a happiny, though Copal makes the lower half of the body.

Why AJ has damn breasts is a mystery. (Id est, I won't spoil the surprise)

Most of their personalities and how exactly they function I'm still thinking upon.

Though Copal's more sweet and levelheaded and AJ is more tom-boyish and forward.


Amber & Copal's new designs.

So what?


Jump away foo.

Was gonna have a laser almost hit me.

Hey It's Big L! Wow.

I sure am boring.

Damnit the scanner cut some off, oh well, who cares?!

Damn Pocket Monster shit

Damn TV sucks.

Are you going?

So you think?

Damn titties.

So what if you are crazy?

I seem to only be able to draw the damn pkmn shit what the hell.