Ah MIFaTL 2, my so-far life's greatest achievement. Not much, but I was always proud of it.
Started as a simple webcomic about my friends and shit, it quickly turned into some shitty adventure about bullshit LOL
Well, no one likes -sert comics, but hell it's MY comic.
I sorta hit a wall with MIFaTL 2, I had all the plans for the following seasons, but I wanted Season 3 to be just... not adventurous.
It would have introduced Pikahuna, the pulse shoes, and other equipment Mint would have invented for me to use (naturally I can just shock shit, I can't control my electricity well)
Though since my computer's dead, I can't really work on it.
Even if my computer was fine, I don't think I can work on it here, I do my work best when I don't have people whining to me to get a job, or to go to sleep, or to wake up early.
I know I got a pretty good thing going, as I don't have to sleep in my car or something.
I just can't do shit I don't want to do for no good reason whatsoever.
I'm just a gat dang artist.
Don't like it? Well, whatever.
I might work on the MIFaTL PkMn comic some, as I seem to draw a lot of pokemon lately, maybe if I just finish that damn mini-series, I might get pkmn out of my system.
I find it kinda funny how many furfag sites link to MIFaTL, I honestly never thought of it as a furry comic. Though apaprently now if it's not human, it's furry.
Belfry comics... weird.
Ah well.
MIFaTL 2 scored 16,390 views, though I don't know how many people out there really cared for the comic.
I guess I'll just play it by ear, though I'll never post MIFaTL 2 comics anywhere else but the MIFaTL 2 website. Also I'll never release a MIFaTL 2 comic in black and white.
Though I don't think I'd scan that shit if I have no computer to color it anyways y'know?
Looks like Amanda's drawing of MIFaTL girl will stay there 'til kingdom come.
Well, here's some art for you fags.

Awesome's being an asshole to my asshole.
I dunno, I thought it was funny.
D'AWW Was gonna draw the main trio of PkMn MD: Me, Awesome, and Amber, and it just turned into this.
Funny how you can like FAILURES.

DYNAMIC DUO well, we'll never find out how Mimmi and T.C. resolve whatever we were doing because
Spoiler alert: if MIFaTL ever came back I was going to just fucking abruptly end Season 3. Fuck that shit, I don't remember what the hell I was doing damnit.

Just Orion and SHARKEY. I miss drawing these two...

Trying to figure out how to draw Pynk and other enchilladas in my style.