The first pics I scanned with this scanner/printer!

I want to say I already scanned these, don't matter, I could always revise them again.

Special Delivery, Bitch!

Early drafts for Big L's PkMn form, she's supposed to be a ditto, but she takes the form of a lopikachunny, to attract T.C. She also transforms into things to help out, like backpacks, beds, hammers, et cetera. Though with Sarahpom, Orion, and Awesome (eventually) knowing transform, I dunno if this gimmick will get old fast.

AH, it's Big L and Orion, before she turned into a chick! I really like this one, even if L's eyes are weird.

This is the
first Yoshi-taur pic I ever did, the idea just popped to me one night. I guess Koopa cursed the princesses since he can't have 'em or something.
I'm probably gonna refine and color that one.

Still dunno why, but I love drawing Amber as Super Mario.

This one I kinda remade a little while ago.

Ditto here.

Original Awesome, You almost forget she was originally human, not some damn Lopunny/Smeargle hybrid. Kickin' ass.

I'm actually really proud of the detail I put into this one, I'm gonna color this!

Okay I'm tired, I'm gonna upload the rest of the pics tomorrow (today)
A bunch of them have creepy eyes! So look forward to that! O_O